Visitors: 6642, Users: 3, Guests: 6449, Bot: 190, Total Guests: 56525, Highest Visit: 2023-12-30

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Paid Review Service

We give 5-star reviews on orders from other countries including USA/UK. Paid reviews will get your account to the top of the search list and sales will begin. Our reviews will never drop because reviews are taken from original clients. Minimum $5 gig or custom order in your account to receive reviews. Review Payments are non-refundable. $4 will be credited to your account from each review order.

1 Order

5 USD Gig/Custom Order
$ 12 Monthly
  • 1 Gig Order
  • USA/UK Client
  • 5 Star Review

3 Order

Each 5 USD Gig/Custom Order
$ 35 Monthly
  • 1 Gig Order
  • USA/UK Client
  • 5 Star Review

5 Order

Each 5 USD Gig/Custom Order
$ 55 Monthly
  • 1 Gig Order
  • USA/UK Client
  • 5 Star Review

All are payment method secure and trusted.  


  • Can I get reviews on my new account?

    Yes, of course you can take reviews in your new account.

  • Will the review be dropped or removed?

    No, the reviews will be given from real buyers, because of which the reviews will never be removed or deleted.

  • How many dollars to pay to take a review?

    Pay $12 for a review and you'll get $4 back deposited into your account. So it will cost you $8 per review.

  • How many dollars will the buyer order?

    If you have a 5 dollar gig then the 5 dollar gig will be ordered directly otherwise the custom order will be 5 dollars.

  • Will the review be given from the same account?

    No, different accounts will give real buyer reviews even from different IPs.

  • Will the buyer give his own review? Or can I write?

    If you want a review you can write it, the buyer will write the review accordingly otherwise the buyer will write the review according to his own wish.

  • How long will the review be given after ordering?

    A review will be given within 12 to 24 hours of ordering except for delivery. And if more than one review is purchased then 1/2 review will be given daily.

  • How can I pay?

    You can pay by credit card, also through Crypto, Skrill, Perfect Money, Neteller.

  • If the review is not published, will the money be returned?

    Yes, of course. If for any reason the review is not published you will receive a full payment refund.

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